Thursday, June 14, 2007


I think I might have made a grave mistake. I have a date tonight, and I suggested we cook together. He wanted to make dinner for me, but I'm currently taking cooking lessons so thought it would be fun to try and learn something. And I eat tuna like it's an endangered species and the sea might run out at any moment, so we've decided to make that.

Here's where the mistake comes in: I suggested we cook TOGETHER. I'm taking cooking lessons for a reason, people. I can't cook for shit. And by that, I mean, I learned to make macaroni and cheese from a box four months ago.

I'm 28 years old.

This would be one thing if I didn't kinda like this guy. But I do. And guys are weird about chicks and cooking. It's one of those things, that despite the sexual revolution still seems to be something guys still expect. It's like how girls feel about guys and manual labor. It's not a requirement that they be able to build a tree house from trees they found in the forest/chopped/sanded/nailed together themselves. But deep down, yeah, it's a requirement.

Which is why this is a problem. Typically, most of the meals I make myself are assembled from items found in cans. For example, a can of veggie soup with a can of green beans mixed in. Or a can of turkey chili with a can of black beans (as I don't like the beans that typically come in the "with beans" variety of chili.) Sometimes it's just a can of black beans with salsa and cheese. Basically, I eat like a damn hobo.

The cooking lessons are helping, though. For example, I've learned that scrambled eggs taste better when the pan is greased with Pam or butter, and not my usual olive oil. When you have a hobo's palette, you don't notice things that taste like shit. Because you can't be discriminating. For the same reason, I always laugh when people won't order things in restaurants because they "could make the same thing at home!" This is clearly a thought I've never had.

So tonight, I'm going to try and make my favorite fish, and pray this guy is still interested at the end of the night.

Someone get me a rosary, stat.

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