Friday, June 20, 2008

Mike the Eagle

I feel it's worth mentioning that whenever I see Michael Chertoff on TV, I pretend he's Sam the Eagle from the Muppets. It's both entertaining, and the only way I've found to make Chertoff tolerable.

Similarly, it's immensely entertaining to read the Wikipedia article on Sam the Eagle, and pretend they're actually talking about Michael Chertoff.

"[He] acts as a censor and comments on his being under-appreciated. He often gives important lectures in which he complains about some liberal idea only to find himself forced to stop in embarrassment at risk of sounding like a hypocrite. On one occasion he gives a lecture about conservationism in which he reads a list of endangered animal species that he feels are the focus of misguided conservation efforts, only to sheepishly withdraw his statement when he realizes that his own species is included."

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