Tuesday, January 22, 2008

When life hands you lemons...or wood rosin.

I noticed recently at a local soda machine that Minute Maid ® Lemonade now has 0% juice. ZERO PERCENT. I had always thought "Contains 10% juice" was a horrifying admission. But to not contain any juice? I mean, at that point, I think it's false advertising to still include the name of a fruit in your product.

So I used the power of the interweb and looked up the ingredients of Minute Maid® Lemonade. There was a laundry list of very scientific sounding chemicals, including something called “esters of wood rosins”. Huh? Naturally, I then looked that up. According to Wikipedia it is “a food additive used as an emulsifier and stabiliser, to keep oils in suspension in water”.

At this point, I was completely grossed out. Oily “lemonade”? Needless to say, I never plan on drinking this again. If I'm going to ingest something that unnatural, I'd rather eat nacho cheese. This is all very sad because I’ve always loved lemonade. What I don’t love, however, is the idea Minute Maid® Nasty Concoction of Chemical Shit*.

*inspired by lemons

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hahhaa this is great