Sunday, November 16, 2008

Eliminate the drama in YOUR life!

One of my most irritating qualities is my refusal to zip through commercial breaks. Obviously, this admitted character flaw is somewhat understandable given my profession, but if you just zip through commercials, you run the risk of missing gems like this:

My gut instinct wants to file this under "Badvertising", but I can't. This thing is the advertising equivalent of deep fried bacon - terrible, yet awesome. From the arguably racist caller IDs ("Baby's Momma"?) to what might be the greatest line of copy ever written ("This ain't T. You been DRAMATELLED, playa!") this spot is greatness from beginning to end. Not only that, but it actually makes you consider buying the product. We all know when our calls are being screened, and here's the solution. And this commercial, with its Sister Cleo-esque production quality, illustrates this "almost illegal" solution beautifully. Granted, actually utilizing this product would make you look both desperate and psychotic, but if there was a commercial to compel me to put those fears aside, this is it. If nothing else, I want a Dramatel just to screw with my friends and then shout, "You been DRAMATELLED, playa!"


ainty akrasiac said...

Lordy, girl. Please tell me what channel you saw this on. Did this ad run at 3:00 am? But, no matter...
I WANT A DRAMATEL! You would be getting a lot more phone calls from me if only I had one. Give me one for Christmas. Please? I WANT A DRAMATEL! Please? I WANT A DRAMATEL! Please????????

hotpinksox said...

It changes your voice too?

Anonymous said...

libby, you have an uncanny ability to find the weirdest stuff. ie the turkey top hat picture from last year... cat tattoo.. now this.
good job.

Anonymous said...

Surely there is a business application for this product, n'est-ce pas?